John Frailey is able to be up again.
Riely Hobbs and wife visited the former's parents recently.
Mrs. Wm. Riley of near Cave-In-Rock, is reported to be better.
Some relatives of Clay, Ky, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eli Terrell.
D.M. Frailey's dau., Esther Boshera and husband of Kokomo, IN, visited the
homefolks last week.
We forgot to mention that those white spanish hens belonged to Grandma Scott
(deceased) and that they belong to her gchildren, Varona and Ethel Scott.
Electa, Willis and Theopolis Thornton visited rel. in the Bend last week.
They enjoyed themselves very much, gathering mulberries and taking the good
old fashioned country outings, that the town boy or girl enjoys so well.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hobbs, accompanied by their dau., Miss Gracie and two
sm. sons, Paul and Ernest, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Riley Hobbs from
SAturday until Mon. in the Bend. They made the writer a brief visit also. We
are always pleased to greet our Rock Creek friends of old - come again.
We were indeed sorry to hear of the sad accident which happened to the young
son of Charlie Jackson. He was thrown by a mule and suddenly killed....
Gordon Dutton is on the sick list.
Miss Grace Hobbs has our school for the coming winter.
Mrs. Henry Birch and children visited the formers sis., Mrs. Fleetie Price,
since our last writing.
Mrs. Mollie Birch and children visited the former's sis., Mrs. Fleetie
Price, since our last writing.
Master Gordon Lackey ret. home Sat. He attended the spring term of school at
E'town and made his diploma.
James H. Carr, who has been afflicted with dropsy for some time has been
feeling worse the past week or two.
Mrs. Gertie Clark and dau., Mildred, Mrs. Mary Patton and Mrs. Hester Payne
and babies were guests of Nettie Rogers Tuesday. In the afternoon we
decorated the grave of our friend Clara Dutton.
The families of Walter Patton, Wm. Clark, E. Rogers, S.G. Patton, wife and
baby, Rev. M.F. Oxford, Uncle Henry Page, Gordon and Geneva Lackey took
dinner with Jesse Payne's family Sunday.
Mrs. Winifred Ginger of St. Louis is visiting relatives here.
Miss Sarah Reed spent last week with homefolks.
Grover Douglas and wife and fam. spent Sun. at Waldo Jenkins.
Frank Miles and Eschol Gross went to Shawneetown Thur. on business.
Mrs. Anna Broadway of Eddyville is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Renfro.
Howard Simpson visited his mother, Mrs. Ida Renfro, one day last week
Jno. Goolsby and wife and master John Albert visited at Sparks Hill Sun.,
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Showalter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Joyner and family visited the latter's parents, Wm. Gross
and family Sat. & Sun.
Next Sun. is Bro. Joyce's appointment at this place. Let a good crowd be out
& greet him Sat. night, Sun. & Sun. night.
Earl Austin & Isaac Hobbs & wife spent Sunday at W.R. Smith's.
Miss Bertha Smith has been very sick the past two weeks.
Uncle Jas. Ralph & wife visited Mr. & Mrs. Hosea Dale Saturday.
Miss Golda Decker has been quite sick the past wk.
Non Belt of Bassett was in our vicinity Sunday.
Misses Henrietta, Mary, Cora and Rosie Ralph & little Miss Lettia Miller
visited Mrs Minnie Watkins Sunday.
John Reynolds and wife passed through our neighborhood Sun. on their way to
Mrs. Reynold's father, C.R. Sullivan.
Miss Viola Davis of Jacksonville spent a couple of days last week with Anna
& Ota Smith; her uncle, Jessie Lowry, came down & took her to his home,
where she goes for a few days visit before returning to her work.
Mrs. Fred Humm is on the sick list.
Father Reich's housekeeper, Mrs. Gallagar, of Pennsylvania arrived one day
last week.
Miss Jessie Towns of Pope County is visiting Hardin Co. relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. John Volkert gave a party Sun. night. All reports a nice time.
We are sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. B.J. Shetler of
Fred Humm & wife attended the bedside of John Herrmann one day last week.
C.B. Humm & fam. of E'town spent Sun. afternoon with the fam. of Bass Humm.
Miss Louise rAtes spent a few days last week with Geo. Humm, Sr. & fam.
Miss Hattie Volkert was the guest of her uncle, Fred Shetler & family last
Fr. Reich and Hickman joyner were in Rosiclare Mon. afternoon.
We are glad to note that Uncle John Seiner was able to attend church Sun. It
was his first time out in six weeks.
Henry Thornton & fam. visited on Peters Creek last Sat. nite.
James Robinett & wife & baby went to W.T. Lamar's Sat. for a few days visit.
Mrs. Laura Wheeler of Rosiclare visited in E'town last Sat., and made our
folks a pleasant call while here.
S.G. Patton & Joe Rutherford, two of Saline & Harris Creek's best farmers,
were visitors in E'town last Thur.
John Ricketts & several other men of Rosiclare came up to E'town Sat. Mr.
Ricketts took dinner and made a brief visit with his bro., George E.
J.H. Carr & Ellis Rodgers, merchant & farmer respectively of Potts Hill,
were in E'town last Thur. Mr. Carr, as is his custom, called to see us while
Don Rowan sent a post card from Nagasaki, Japan, stating that he arrived
there safely on his way from P.I. to the US, and that he write again from
Honolulu, H.I.
Judge A.A. Miller & wife & little girl of Rosiclare came up to E'town Sat.
to see the dentist, but he was visiting in Ky. They made our family a brief,
but very pleasant call.
Mrs. Ollie Dale & Miss Lora returned home last Thurs., after an extended
visit with relatives in Mo and ARK. On account of the rather serious illness
from heart trouble of the husband & father, Bert Dale, they came home a week
earlier than they intended to. They found all of their kinfolks well and
report a nice visit. Mrs. Dale was with her bro., John I. Ledbetter, at
Blytheville, Ark., when she got the summons to come home.
Floyd Downey is on the sick list.
Mrs. John McCluskey spent Fri. with Mrs. Fred McCluskey.
Miss Mary Henson was the guest of Daisy King Sun.
Irving McCluskey visited Gordon & Rodney McCluskey recently.
Miss Charlotte Hawkins spent Sat & Sun with Suda Conkle.
Walter Prater & wife are visiting Milo Burton & fam. at the present.
Mildred & Eunice Mick spent the latter part of last wk. with Mr. & Mrs. Ben
Misses Addie Davis & Lizzie St. John of Rosiclare spent Sat. with Mrs. Ben
Lon Cornell & wife of Rosiclare visited John McClusky & wife Sat & Sun.
Miss Lillie Foe & bro. Lawrence, made a business trip to Rosiclare Sat.
Mrs. Lizzie Bynum visited Richard Williams and fam. Sat. & Sun.
Miss Suda Conkle spent part of last week visiting Maude & Charlotte Hawkins.
Mrs. Chas. Estes & children visited Jas. Estes and family recently.
Lucian Wallace, who is working for Wm. Hurford, visited homefolks Sat. &
Misses Daisy King & Suda Conkle visited John King & wife last Tues & Wed.
Arthur Downey, wife & children visited Wm. Downey & fam. recently.
Mrs. Chas. B. Smith & children visited Jas. Cullum & wife Sat. & Sun.
Miss Lou Matthews of Mt. Vernon, Ind., spent last week visiting with Mrs.
C.M. Barton & Mrs. Chas. Hawkins.
Miss Anna Hossler of Princeton, Ind., is her on a vacation this week.
Lacy Hubbard & wife bought the fine piano of Dr. Vinyard last week.
Bro. Henry Joyce filled his appointment at Central last week.
Rudolph Hossler is having some papering done on his dwelling. Jonathan Belt
is the carpenter.
Allen Patton of near Eagle Creek bought two fine milk cows from Ezra Karber
last week.
we overlooked the visit of Mrs. Henry Ginger of St. Louis, Mo., in our items
last week.
Dr. Vinyard and family left last Sat. for their new home by the way of
Rosiclare in his auto; his house plunder went by rail from Eldorado.
Fred Karber & wife came in from Carbondale on a brief visit last week. Clyde
Vinyard & wife accompanied them also.
Clyde Vinyard has been employed to teach our winter school; this a good
selection and we predict an up to date school this winter.
Granville Williams had one of his horses cut pretty bad with barb wire last
week. Dr. Ledbetter administered medical aid.
Our old friend, J.W. Ferrell, of Eagle passed through our village last week.
Will always know a fellow when he sees him and never lacks for something to
Mrs. Bettie Vinyard returned home last wk. from her visit to Williamson
County and her daughter, Leota, and some other girl, whose name we did not
learn came home with her.
There is some kind of a bad disease among some of the horses in this
vicinity; Alvin Hale lost two last wk. the state veterinary was called who
said the disease has been checked.
It is right amusing to think that Judge Ferrell would slip up to Bro. Roxie
and the two together would frame up that crawfish story; what would a
crawfish want with a chicken, Bro. Roxie and Judge both knew this story was
a whole bunch of hot air or they would not have switched it off on two
Loy Hobbs and fam. visited Mrs. Hobb's sis., Mrs. June Frailey, Sun.
Ulys Lackey, Rev. M.F. Oxford & Gordon Dutton visited Louis Hindall Sunday.
Mrs. Rose Lackey & Mary Patton were guests of Mrs. Anna Pennell one day last
Isaac Rogers attended the funeral her Fri. & remained overnight with his
son, E. Rogers' fam.
Miss Mattie Lane attended the funeral of Gordon Dutton & took dinner at E.
Rogers. She was accompanied home by Miss Edna Patton.
Mrs. Westley Craig paid her children, Cal Craig and Mrs. Jno. Morris a visit
last week. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Morris Sat. who returned home
The following attended Sunday School and church at Round Hill Sun. and
stopped for dinner at James Porter's: Walter Patton & family, Jesse Payne &
family, Gertie Clark & family, Mildred, Nettie Rogers & children.
Mrs. L.A. Warrers & grandson Paul Watters, Mrs. Daisy Halbrooks & baby, Rose
Lackey & three children, Mrs. T.M. Ozee & daughter Lee, Miss Edna Patton &
Tracy Love took dinner at E. Rodger's after the funeral Friday.
A deep gloom was cast over our neighborhood Thur. morning when the news
flashed over the wire that death had again entered the home of W.E. Dutton &
claimed for its victim Gordon, the oldest son & bro. As there will be an
obit next week will say no more only that we extend our sympathy to all the
bereaved ones. The relatives out of the community who attended the funeral
were: Neut Oxford & family, Jas. Watters & family, Mrs. L.A. Watters, Geo.
Robertson & wife, Josehine Grace & two sons & Charles Watters.
N.B. Humm made a business trip to E'town Fri.
Dave Orr was in town a short time Fri.
Dr. Miller left Wed. for his new location at Brookport, Ill.
Rudolph and Freda Eichorn also Jessie Towns visited Geo. Herrmann's Sunday
Mrs. Geo. Herrmann & son, N.A., spent Wed. evening & night at Geo. Humm's,
Mr. & Mrs. Hy Abby also Mrs. Mary Gill spent Wed. evening at Carrol
Wm. Henson has moved back to his home here.
Mr & Mrs. Wm Matheny are rejoicing over a new boy.
Dr. Hancock's bro. visited him the latter part of last week.
Dr. Hancock purchased a young horse from Andy Vanbaber.
Chas. Vinyard visited his sis., Mrs. J.F. Shewmaker Saturday.
Harriet Gibson visited her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Stuby Thurs.
Mrs. Lacy Hubbard visited her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Santy the first of
the week.
Earl Banks & family of Rosiclare who has been visiting relatives in this
community have returned home.
Lacy Hubbard purchased a cow & calf from Elmer Wallace for a consideration
of one hundred dollars.
Sam Joiner did some badly needed work on our roads the first work the road
from Rose Creek to Pinhook has had in there years.
Uncle John Seiner was on our streets Monday.
R.A. Ledbetter went to Evansville Monday.
Clarence Adams & wife were in town a short time Sat.
Miss Ora Ledbetter returned home from her extended visit Sunday.
Frank and Omar Ferrell are harvesting their wheat this week.
Mrs. Bass Humm & son, Abner, were in town Wed.
John Thornton of Cave-In-Rock was in town on business Tuesday.
John Simmons is working for the Cumberland Telephone people.
A Mr. Hallie is working out on the farm for Judge Hall.
Miss Cora Smith was quite sick a few days last week.
Ben Gullett of Carbondale was here last week visiting relatives.
Mrs. Em Holeman of Paducah is here visiting the fam of Wm. Birch.
Dr. W.P. Duley returned from his visit with homefolks in Ky. Monday.
Beulah & Louden Humm were guests of the family of Sam Hosick, Jr. Tuesday.
Mrs. Bessie Simmons and children are visiting relatives in the country.
Frank Hardesty, wife and Miss Mable Rose, went up on the Lowry to Evansville
Hobart Robinson of Hamletsburg is here visiting his sister, Mrs. Henry
Machinist Edward Ferrell sold James Hayes a new Deering wheat binder this
A two year old child of Chas. Turner's of near Yellow Springs died Monday of
this week.
Miss Beulah Ledbetter visited her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Williams, of this place
since our last.
Eugene Hawkins left Friday for Battle Creek, MI, where he went to work in a
hospital there.
Mrs. Joseph Piland & dau., Miss Joey, spent Thur. afternoon with the family
of Judge Hall.
T.B. Renfro of Luxora, Ark., passed through here Sat. on his way to visit
homefolks of near Karber's Ridge.
Harry and Helen Ledbetter arrived home Friday from Carbondale, where they
have been attending school.
Mr. Merryman came to town Mon. to meet his dau., who has been away from here
attending school.
Mr. & Mrs. C.B. Humm & sm. son, Master Ben Louden, attended the bedside of
John Herrmann of Rosiclare Mon.
Mrs. Capt. James Ferrell and dau in law, Mrs. Omar Ferrell, spent Sun. &
night in Fairview.
Mrs. U.G. Nichols & children, Misses June, Ethie & Wilson and Mrs. L.T. Rash
made a trip to Evansville Monday.
Mesdames Geo. Richetts, Allen Oxford, Misses Joey Piland and Marie Humm
visited at E.N. Hall's Tuesday.
David Warford returned home Sun. fro Chicago where he had been attending the
Republican convention.
There will be a picnic 1-2 mile northwest of Rock Creek Sat. June 24th,
given by Alonzo Lowry & Leonard Hardin.
Edgar Blakely of Lamb, visited relatives in E'town a few days last week, &
extended his visit by going to Paducah, visiting Miss Mildred Holman.
Harry Fletcher & wife, Edgar Blakely & J.P. Gaines took advantage of the
Golden Fleece's excursion to Eddyville, Ky., last Sun. to see the state
penitentiary at that place.
From the correspondence columns fo the Crittenden Record Press, in items
from Tolu, appears the following "Mrs. harry Stone fell Monday & dislocated
her arm. Dr. Lowry being absent, Dr. Gregory from Cave-In-Rock was called to
attend her."
Saline | Gallatin | Union KY |
Pope |
![]() |
Livingston KY Crittenden KY |