Mrs. Janie Hindall and Lee Ozee attended lodge at Rock Creek Tuesday.
A new dishwasher put in her appearance at Will Leonberger's last Friday
Mrs. Nora Dutton and Maggie Rowland visited Mrs. Mary Patton Monday of last
week and assisted in quilting a quilt.
Jas. Potter's family attended church at Round Hill Sunday and took dinner
with Raleigh Bodenbach's family.
Misses Edna Patton and Opal Oxford visited Mrs. Rhoda Patton Monday of last
week. They also spent a short time in the afternoon with Nettie Rogers.
Misses Opal Oxford, Geneva Lackey and Alice Rogers also Mater Bernerd Rogers
were the guests of Miss Mildred Clark Wednesday of last week.
D.A. Rowland recently sold a team to Ephram Williams, and E. Rogers sold
S.G, Patton a mule and bought a span of mules from Wm. Green.
Mrs. Mary Patton and little daughter Erva attended church at Yellow Springs
Sunday and took dinner with Elmer Oxford's family.
Misses Edna Patton and Opal Oxford attended church at Yellow Springs Sunday;
after church Edna took Opal to her grandpa Oxfords of Rock Creek.
We failed to mention last week that Tim Ozee had gone to housekeeping in
Uncle Morgan Oxford's house. Uncle Morgan is staying with his son Chas., and
one of Mrs. Ozee's little sisters is staying with her as Tim is away from
the greater part of the time with his well drill.
Master Nathaniel Hobbs is visiting his uncle Riley Hobbs.
Little Miss Ethel Scott is on the puny list.
Kell McDowell and wife visited the latter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Mrs. Anna Shufflebarger is teachin a spring term of school at McDowell
Miss Cleta Shufflebarger is taking a term of music under direction of Mrs.
Edith Burris.
Rev. John C. Irwin of Eldorado was the guest of Willis Shufflebarger and
family Saturday night while visiting the Sunday School here.
Rev. M.S. Mason preached at the home of Brown Lewis' Sunday afternoon that
Mr. Lewis' aged grandmother might hear another sermon. A large congregation
was present.
A union Sunday School has been organized and at present will convene in a
dwelling house near Mrs. Josie Ainsworth's. A brush arbor will be built
later and the school will be known as the "Union Arbor Sunday School". This
is a suitable location and we bespeak a flouishing Sunday School soon.
In the Memory of Mrs. Julia Foster, deceased, we want to say that a dear one
to us has left this old earth and by faith we know she has gone to that
beautiful home above. It was she who cared for our dear mother in her last
days on earth and this fond memory will be ever cherished by us. Dear
friends, our stay here is for only a short time; let us so live that we
shall not be forgotten.
In our items in last week's Independent that part of our item referring to
the splendid singing of a solo by little Velma Perry, small daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Perry, was left out. We desire to make special mention of this
as judging from the many expressions of those present she deserved special
praise. Evangeline
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Grace took dinner with D.A. Rowland's family Sunday.
Mrs. Oscar Patton and two daughters visited Jas. Porter's family Sunday.
Miss Mildred Clark took dinner with Nettie Rogers Saturday.
Isaac Rogers was the guest of E. Roger's family last Monday night.
Miss Opal Oxford is visiting relatives in this community.
We are glad to hear that Ed Dutton is reported better.
Uncle Henry Page was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hobbs after church
Miss Mattie Lane attended church and S.S. here Sunday and took dinner with
E. Roger's family.
Gordon Lackey, who is attending school at E'town, visited homefolks Saturday
Lonzo Hobbs of Shawneetown was called to the bedside of his father, Horace
Hobbs, Sunday evening, who is dangerously ill with pneumonia.
Rev. T.M. Ozee was called to see his grandson, Raleigh Ozee, across Saline
one day last week who was very ill with pneumonia, but is reported much
Ross Hufsey and wife attended the funeral of Mrs. Horace Foster Saturday and
stayed overnight with Ernest Oxford's family. Mrs. Hufsey and Mrs. Oxford
attended church Sunday.
Mrs. Laura Hindall visited at Allen Frizzell's near Sparks Hill Saturday of
last week. We are glad to know she found Mr. Frizzell better but sorry to
hear of Mrs. Frizzell and daughter Mildred both suffering with a rising on
their hand.
Miss Lottie Smith was called home Friday on account of the serious illnes of
her grandmother, Mrs. Horace Foster. She had passed away before Lottie
arrived home. We understand that Lottie's father, Chas. Smith, is bedfast
this week with pneumonia.
Miss Gladys Paterson is staying with Mrs. Cynthia Williams.
Miss Ida Brinkley is at Dr. Vinyard's this week for treatment.
Mrs. Ida Hossler is in Elizabethtown this week visiting relatives.
The small child of Elmer Stuby and wife of this place died very suddenly one
day last week.
Mrs. Dr. W.E. Shipp of St. Louis is visiting the family of J.H. Shipp here.
Frank Hindall of Potts Hill bought a traction engine from Ben Burton
Joe Ginger, accomplished by his small daughter, visited his son, Henry, of
St. Louis last week.
Fred Karber and wife came in from Carbondale Friday evening and spent the
remainder of the week with homefolks.
Br. Arnold Ferrell stopped over and preached us a good sermon Sunday
evening. It was enjoyed by all present.
W.D. White of Elizabethtown was in this vicinity last week in the interest
of the life insurance business.
Asa Brumley of Elizabethtown is assisting Mr. Belt on Lucian Vinyard's new
dwelling house which will be a dandy when completed.
A.J. Shell of Rosiclare visited homefolks here last week. He also paid the
writer a brief pleasant visit.
Dr. J.A. Womack of Equality came down last week to see his father, who is in
a very feeble health. Mrs. Cynthia Williams is also sick.
Loren Vinyard and wife visited homefolks Sunday and attended Sunday School
and church here - they stopped with Ezra Karber and wife for dinner.
we are informed that Dr. Vinyard has sold his property to Bro. Samuel
Winters. A more account of the transaction will be given next week. Jim
Miss Arzilla Frailey is real sick.
We are glad to report Ed Dutton is a little better.
John Collins and son, Hosie, spent Sunday afternoon at W.C. Green's.
Mrs. Dan Flanery, Jr., is improving fast, she is able to sit up a little.
Mrs. Dr. Will Gregory is spending a few days at Paducah, Ky., with her
niece, Mrs. Ora Hardesty.
A protracted meeting is being conducted at Simpson School house, by Bro.
Wigham, we hope it may be a success.
Omar Austin and Miss Etta Boyd, daughter of Henry Boyd, of near Peter's
Creek tried their fortunes the 1st day of May by going to Shawneetown and
getting married. On account of the rain the charivari was not until
Wednesday night when the crowd gathered in with their usual noise and demand
of a good treat, which consisted of candy and cigars. We them a long and
happy life in this world and a happy welcome in the beautiful beyond.
The Gleaner
Martha Eichorn was in Rosiclare Sunday afternoon.
Uncle John Seiner is reported to be slowly recovering.
Miss Tena Towns spent Sunday with homefolks in Pope County.
Carl Humm and wife made a business trip to E'town one day last week.
Andy Rates and wife and sister, Miss Ella, attended church here Sunday.
Misses Anna and Mayme Shetler and Esther Rates spent Sunday afternoon at
Jake Humm and family and Miss Mayme Moore visited the family of Wm.
Volkert's Sunday after church.
Ulyss Humm accompanied the family of Jake Humm's to Eichorn Saturday night
and Miss Mayme Moore remained the night with the family of C.B. Humm.
Lewis Lamar and sister, Miss Mary attended the play here Saturday night, and
were the guests of James Robinett's family.
Thomas Rutherford and wife visited their son, Walter Rutherford and family,
of Battery Rock, last Sunday. Mr. Rutherford says the wheat crop is very
poor in the upper part of the county.
J.A. Love came to town last Saturday and took home with him Rev. A.H.
Lannom, who we believe, preaches for the Christian Church at Philadelphia
once a month.
One of Senator Womack's daughters of Equality came down to E'town last
Friday to visit her sister, Mrs. Gertie Warford, wife of our jeweler and
optician. We did not learn this lady's full name.
G.W. Shearer and wife went up to Cave-In-Rock Saturday afternoon to attend a
protracted meeting tht is being conducted at that place by Bro. Rowe and
also to visit relatives and friends. They returned home Monday morning.
Miss Rada Gross and her little cousin, a daughter of Wm. Gross, came to town
last Friday afternoon to meet and take out Rev. Joyce, who pastors the
Presbyterian Church at Central.
Judge Schneider was a visitor in E'town latter part of last week. He came in
to see Prof. Hopkins on some special business, not connected with the
locating of the Experiment Station, however.
Henry Thornton and Mesdames Rebecca Birch and Maud Rash went to Cave-In-Rock
last Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Minnie Thornton. Grandma Thornton
attended the funeral also, having been summoned and went up the evening
Mrs. Emma Davis of Colorado Springs, Colorado, while visiting in Rosiclare
last week came up and spent one day with the writer's family, being an old
time friend and school mate of the writer's wife She and Mrs. Oxford went to
C.E. Rose's in the afternoon and spent a short time with his family, before
Mrs. Davis left for Rosiclare. Mrs. Davis was born and raised in Rosiclare;
and left there for Colorado 25 years ago. She visited here 11 years ago, and
this is her second visit here in 25 years. Before coming to Rosiclare she
visited her father, Harry Tryon, at Glinton, Ind. She was accompanied here
by a lady friend whose mother came to Carrsville, Ky. a year ago on a visit,
and suffered a paralytic stroke while there, and has not been since nor is
now able to return to Colorado.
It was with deepest sorrow that we learned of the premature death of Mrs.
Minnie Thornton, wife of John Thornton, at her home in Cave-In-Rock Thursday
May 11, 1916 after a brief illness.
F.C. Karber and wife attended church at Philadelphia last Sunday.
Fred Guntert and wife returned to their home in Sikeston last week.
Mrs. Mollie Lane of Blodgett, Mo is visiting friends and relatives in this
Bro. Wigham came out from Rosiclare Sunday evening and preached a good
Howard Shipp is painting the new residence of Lucian Vinyard this week.
Harry Vinyard and wife of Dayton, Ohio visited homefolks here last week.
Miss Ida Brinkley, who has been taking medical treatment under Dr. Vinyard
is rapidly recovering.
J.W. Flynn has put a new wire fence around his yard and garden which adds
much to the appearance and convenience.
Clarence Winters, who has been carrying the Equality-Karber's Ridge resigned
his position recently and the place was filled by Clyde Glover.
Rev. J.C. Cox of Harrisburg was here last week in search of data to
establish his claim to a teacher's pension, which is now granted by the
Dr. Vinyard has sold his property here to Samuel Winters of Equality, but
who formerly lived here. This transaction deprives the community of the
services of a skilled physician and surgeon and a excellent road
commissioner and public spirited citizen. However, we are glad to welcome
back our old friend and former neighbor, Mr. Winters.
Tongue cannot express our gratitude and love to our friends and relativeswho so kindly and willingly assisted us in the sickness and burial of our darling boy. Ezra and Sadie Fritts
Miss Essie Schroll visited at Elmer Reiner's Sunday.
Mrs. John Hamp is very sick at present also Mrs. W.C. Hicks.
H.C. Hicks and family spent Sunday G.B. Stone's.
Miss Essie Schroll was able to attend church Sunday.
Wm. and James Johnson of Mo. are attending the bedside of their sister, Mrs.
W.J. Hicks.
Ottis Millikan and sister of Golconda visited in this community Saturday and
Lacy Hubbard and wife and Master Chas. visited the latter's father Sunday.
Bro. Eipperhamer filled his appointment at Richland Sunday. He was
accompanied by his wife.
Mrs. L.A. Karber and Mrs. Alexander of Karbers Ridge were down at Hicks
Thursday. Dr. Hancock is treating them.
John Partain and daughter of Harrisburg visited at Wm. Stuby's and attended
church at Herod Sunday.
C.W. Weston visited his daughter, Mrs. Edward Slye, Friday night.
Miss Budie Rose of near Hicks Branch visited her sister, Mrs. Virgil Schutt,
last week.
John Seiner has had a severe stroke of paralysis ad is very poorly at this
We learn that Walter Vanbiber will teach Stone Church school this coming
Virgil Schutt and wife visited the latter's parents Sunday. We are informed
that Mr. Rose is quite poorly.
We are informed that Mrs. Maggie Hobbs of near Eichorn has been suffering
from a severe attack of rheumatism.
Guess 'em
Ivy Joyner sold Al Rowland a fine young horse recently for $100.00.
Horace Hobbs is ill with pneumonia, also Charley Smith. James McPherson and
family visited the latter recently.
We are indeed sorry to hear of the death of Aunt Julia Foster. We had no
knowledge of her sickness until about two hours before her death.
We are glad to report that Ed Dutton is slowly recovering from a severe
attack of typhoid fever. Mr. Dutton has surely had his share of ill luck the
past two years.
L.F. Oxford of Missouri came in home last week for a visit with homefolks.
He says that the farmers are busy planting corn where he came from.
We received a letter from our daughter, Lola Oxford, recently in which she
states that she had an operation performed on her and a growth about the
size of the end of one's thumb removed from the side of her nose.
Wm. Gross and wife came down to see their new grandson at Ivy Joiner's. Ivy
says that Wilson may be re-elected this year, but just wait until all of his
sons get to voting, then the tide will turn.
Farmer Boy
H.L. Belt was in town Saturday.
Mrs. G.A. Wall is slowly improving.
Miss Minnie Hubbard returned home Monday morning.
Oscar Tadlock of Shawneetown was on our streets Friday.
E.F. Wall, Jr., returned from St. Louis Sunday.
Miss Emma Douglas spent a few days in town last week.
Mrs. Fred Irby is visiting in Rosiclare this week.
Mrs. A.F. Anderson is quite sick with malaria.
C.B. Humm made a business trip to Golconda Monday.
Clyde Soward of Rosiclare was on our streets Monday.
A.R. McKernan of Walrab Mill was in town on business Tuesday.
John Hermann of Rosiclare is constantly growing weaker.
Clara Seiner of near Eichorn was in town trading Tuesday.
Joe Wright of Shawneetown, Ill, was here on business last week.
Mrs. L.T. Rash attended the funeral of Mrs. Minnie Thornton Friday.
Miss Emma Douglas is visiting the family of John Foe near Stone Church.
Miss Clara Lamb is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Arza Dale of near Sycamore.
Mrs. John B. Holloman is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Smith of
Glenn Hale of Metropolis is here visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Jacob Drumm.
Mrs. James Guard of Equality is here visiting her sister, Mrs. W.T. Warford.
Mrs. Chas. Covington of Golconda was here visiting relatives, the latter
part of the week.
John Eichorn and wife, of near Eichorn was a business caller in
Elizabethtown Tuesday.
Misses Agnes and Melissa Decker of Kankakee, Ill, are spending their
vacation with homefolks.
Hosea Vinyard and wife of Rosiclare spent Saturday night in town, the guest
of Dr. and Mrs. F.M. Fowler.
Representative James A. Watson attended a call session of the Legislature at
Springfield last week.
Hugh Ferrell, who has been serving in the U.S. Regular Army the past two
years, returned home last Thursday.
Mrs. J.R. Patton and nephew, Walter Burns, who have been visiting at
Evansville, Ind, have returned home.
Beulah Humm spent Monday and Tuesday visiting her little friend, Miss Ferol
Hosick, of near Bassett.
Miss Callie Hess, who has been visiting relatives and friends at
Cave-In-Rock the past few days returned home Monday.
Trice Bennett of Marion, Ky, states attorney for Crittenden County was here
last week on business.
Chas. Austin of near Oak Grove was in town on business Monday. His eyes
which have been afflicted for some time have improved.
Miss India Vinyard, our efficient music teacher hasa class at Cave-In-Rock,
where she goes each Monday and Thursday to give lessons.
Miss Helen Ledbetter who is attending school in Carbondale spent aday or two
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Ledbetter, here recently.
Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Irion, accompanied by Daisy Chancey, spent Sunday in the
country with Mrs. Irion's parents, W.H. Cowpert and wife.
Bruce Woodyard of Hampton, Ky, spent last Thursday night here the guest of
Dr. Duley who is one his boyhood friends. He had some dental work done while
Allen Paris of Rosiclare was here Tuesday. He informed us that his parents,
Dr. W.J.J. Paris and wife, had just returned from a very enjoyable visit
from a distance with relatives.
We failed to mention last week the visit of Guy Lambert and wife from their
home in Dycusburg, Ky, to their old home in Cave-In-Rock.
Saline | Gallatin | Union KY |
Pope |
![]() |
Livingston KY Crittenden KY |