John Mayfield, Harry Joiner, Rollin McGinnis, Carl A. Schneider, Alfred L. Mayfield, Willie Graham, Edgar Ferrell, Charles Gerheardt, Oscar Smith, George Raymond Burklow, Loren Z. Hubbs, Norman V. Stone, Thomas Clanton, Sanford Woods - colored
Mrs. John Reynolds & children & Miss Mona Brownfield visited at Chas.
Sullivan last Sat. & Sun.
L.F. Oxford went down near Saline Creek to carpenter some for S.G. Patton
this week.
Mrs. Belva Ginger has been staying with Mrs. Geo. Blaine the past two weeks
while Mrs. Blaine's son, Jerry, has been very ill of Typhoid Fever, but is
some better at present.
James Miller has been visiting hsi sis., Mrs. Anna Reynolds, the past week;
we are glad to meet Mr. Miller as he was a teacher of ours when quite a sm.
Mrs. Rose Lackey received a telegram from her son, Freddie, at Camp Taylor
to come at once if she wanted to see him before leaving for France as he
expected to go soon; Mrs. Sol Davis accompanied her to see her son also.
We are glad to report Alvin Hall improving so fast as to be able to do
chores about the place & looks fairly well.
James Wall & family visited Jonas Riley's family Sunday.
James Watson came out last Thur. night & gave us a nice talk about the
Liberty Loan Bond.
Misses Junie & Effie Joyce spent Sat. & Sun. with Miss Hallie Smith.
W.S. Ledbetter & fam. visited out on his farm Sun. & took dinner with Walter
Plater & wife.
Someone ask Frank Riley & Clarence Covert how they like to smell perfume.
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Jackson & dau., Ermine, spent Saturday in E'town.
Someone ask Jas. Riley & Walter Prater how they like to fish on Sunday.
Bro. Clanton filled his appointment at Tower Rock last Sat. night & Sun. and
organized a Sun. School which is every Sun. at 9:30.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Riley & Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Humphrey transacted
business in E'town last Sat.
Mrs. Stella Prater, Addie Riley, Hallie Smith, June & Effie Joyce went to
church Sat. night at Tower Rock.
Two HardHeads.
Sorry to learn of the death of John H. Collins, but was not at all
surprised. We foresaw the end was near when he was last in E'town.
Mrs. W.D. Aaron was very bad again the middle of last week, and her mother
spent most of the week with her. Her mother reports that her condition is
quite serious.
G.W. Oxford, a brother of the writer's, came down last Fri. to pay taxes and
attend some other business, and spent most of the day with us.
Uncle Frank Jones of Cave-In-Rock came down Monday to attend to and look
after some business matters, made us a friendly call and took dinner with
T.A. Angleton and stepson, Bluford Womack, came down last Thurs. to pay
taxes and report on Liberty Loan applications for Yellow Spring school
district. That district made a favorable patriotic showing.
M.F. Oxford and Ernest Oxford, two of Hardin County's big farmers, living
near Potts Hill, were in town middle of last week to pay taxes, etc. The
former made us a pleasant brief call in the afternoon.
Millard Angleton, who is in the mercantile business near the mouth of Saline
Creek, came down last week to pay taxes, invest in a Liberty Loan bond, etc.
and stopped overnight with the writer's family.
One morning last week the stork, in the person of Dr. Fowler, called at Otto
Holbrook's and left an 8 lb. dishwasher, which they have christened Edith,
and will allow it to stay and share in the high cost of living.
Milt Rose and wife and two youngest children of West Frankfort, Ill., came
down to Rosiclare last week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Rose's brother,
Will Downey. After the Downey obsequies, they came up to Elizabethtown to
visit Mr. Rose's mother and sister, Mrs. Louisa Rose and Mrs. Ida Hampton.
They formerly lived at Rosiclare.
Fowler Oxford returned home from Hasting, Minn., last Saturday afternoon,
his first visit home in two years. He is in fine health except his eyes,
which are in such a condition that he had to quit work. He went to St. Paul,
Minn, to consult an eye specialist, and he told him he had chronic trachoma
of the eyes, which would require long treatment to effect a cure, and
advised him to go to the Eye and Ear Infirmary at Chicago, which he
contemplates doing shortly.
Mrs. Sarah A. Ledbetter of near Hicks was here last Thur. and called to see
about her pension. She is one among the few that cannot get the benefit of
the $25 a month pension allowed most widows of Civil War soldiers, Oct. 6,
1917, because of her being married more than once after the death of the
soldier on whose account she is pensioned. She and Mrs. A.F. Anderson are
the only two we know of who are denied that rate of pension by reason of two
or more marriages after the death of their soldier husbands. However, they
both get the $20 per month pension allowed under the act of Sept. 8, 1916.
It is very probable that the bar to their getting the higher rate of pension
may be removed during this session of Congress.
J.W. Flinn is very poorly at this writing.
Mrs. Eliza Shipp is on the sick list at present.
Clyde Vinyard and wife are visiting the latter's parents this week.
George Ledbetter who is working in Harrisburg is visiting homefolks this
Harve Winters who lives near Murphysboro is here visiting his father, Samuel
Thomas Baggot left for Murphysboro last week where he expects to make his
future home.
Bro. Sherridan filled his appointment here last Sunday morning and evening.
Mrs. Lillie Joyce of Cincinnati, Ohio, is here for a month's visit
H.T. Vinyard was elected school director in district No. 6 and Henry
Ledbetter in dist. No. 7 last Saturday.
Mrs. Tilda Karber returned from Harrisburg last week where she had been
attending the bedside of her son Clarence, who is better now and his two
children are better also.
Mrs. Duncan left the first of the week for Harrisburg, where she will attend
the bedside of her mother and also her stepfather who met with a serious
misfortune to get both of his legs broken in the Coal Mines.
Samuel Winters broke up housekeeping and left for Murphysboro, where he
expects to make his home with his son, Harve and family for the summer.
We wish to thank all who so kindly assisted us in the sickness and death
and burial of our dear husband and father. May the Heavenly Father bless you
all is our prayer.
Mrs. Jane Hobbs and children
Miss Willie Moyers of Fairview visited with her uncle, George Robert
Moyers and wife here last week.
Fr. Joseph P. Reich of Grand Chain, Ill, visited with St. Joseph parishoners
and attended the feast of St. Joseph last week.
U.G. Gullett and Carl Herrmann went to St. Louis one day last week to bring
back some Fords.
Mesdames J.L. Hosick & L.T. Rash and daughter, Miss Helen, made a business
trip to Golconda Thursday of last week.
Messrs. E. Browder of Paducah, Ky., W.T. Killie and Henry Pigg of Mayfield,
Ky., are here working on the Cumberland Telephone lines; they now have two
wires from this office leading into the switchboard at Golconda.
George Herrmann and wife of Eichorn were in town last Friday; the latter
made us a brief, pleasant call.
Geo. Oxford of Love School District renewed his subscription while in town
last Friday.
C.E. Shilling was down from Shawneetown last week on business.
David Orr, Sr. & wife were on our streets one day last week.
Dr. Hancock & wife of Hicks were in town one day since our last.
W.H. Burklow of Lamb renewed his subscription since our last.
Mr. Mitchell, manager of Cumberland Telephone Co., of Golconda was here on
business last week.
Henry Ferrell spent a few days last week with homefolks at Hamletsburg,
Ill., he was accompanied home by his little son, Bill.
Leo Herrmann and cousin, Miss Sophia Zimmer, of Eichorn attended the show
here last Friday night.
Mrs. Otto Turner and daughter, Miss Callie, of near Karbers Ridge were
guests fo Dr. Fowler's fam. one day last week.
Miss Mollie Rose spent Saturday afternoon in Rosiclare.
George S. Humm & wife of route 2 were in town Monday, the latter having
dental work done.
Eschol Patton left Wednesday for Mo., he will leave there Fri. for Camp
Funston, Kan. with the bunch of drafted men.
Russell Wilson & wife and Oscar Holbrooks & fam. left Wed. for Glenwood,
Iowa, where they have employment in a hospital.
George Waggoner left Wed. for Harrisburg.
Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Baker received a long distance message from Carbondale,
Ill., Wed. afternoon stating that their dau., Miss Nell, who is attending
school there is seriously ill with appendicitis; Mrs. Baker left for
Carbondale Thurs. morning.
Mrs. E.R. Edwards & children of Cave-In-Rock attended the bedside of the
former's aunt, Mrs. Dr. Fowler, since our last.
Misses Helen Ledbetter, Gladys Watson and Virginia Rose Gullett made a trip
to Evansville this week. Miss Gladys went to have her eyes tested and
glasses fitted.
R.A. Ledbetter renewed his subscription one day this week.
Hattie Rash is spending the week with Galena Hall.
O.M. McGee, seed corn demonstrating agent, was here Tues.
Mrs. Guss Mayfield & children spent from Sat. until Mon. in the country the
guests fo the former's parents.
Walter Dimick & Vernon Soward of Rosiclare were business caller's in our
office Tuesday.
J.B. Holloman received word Mon. of the death of his sis., Mrs. Ernest E.
Whitehead's youngest child, which occured at their home in St. Louis, Mo.,
last Sat. night.
W.H. Vinyard formerly of this place, but now of Paducah, Ky., has been here
about two mos. promoting the mineral of this County. He has taken several
options on land since coming here. Mr. Vinyard had three mineral men here
Tues. of this week looking over the property with the intention of buying;
the men were - Mr. Kisling of N.Y.; Mr. Hall of St. Louis and Mr. Cox of Ky.
Post office Inspector, J.R. Hartman of Cairo, was here the first of the
Miss Geniveve Nolan of the State University is demonstrating War cooking at
the Gem Theatre in Rosiclare this week. The following E'town ladies
attending the Tues. afternoon demonstration and were so highly pleased wit
the interesting work she is doing that they extracted a promise from Miss
Noland to come here at an early date.
Mesdames J.W. Henry, R.A. Ledbetter, M.M. Pritchard, E.F. Wall, Jr., James
A. Watson, Roy Berry, Frank Hardesty, J.L. Hosick, E.L. Robinson, Geo.
Ricketts, W.P. Duley, and Miss Mary McTyre.
Harry Ledbetter is spending the week-end at Carbondale.
Wiley Jackson is seriously ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ben Hurford
of near Bassett.
Just as the clock was striking ten Wednesday night, April 10, 1918, the
cold hands of death claimed Allen Hobbs for its victim.
He was born in the County January 8, 1843, being at the time of his death 75
years, 3 mos., and 2 days old.
He was united in marriage to Nancy Jane Ledbetter February 186(?)2 to
_______ companion until death. To this union was born 8 children, 1 daughter
and 7 sons. On Thursday April 11, he was taken to the spot which he selected
on the home place and there among a large congregation of sorrowing friends
and relatives all that was mortal of our loved one was tenderly laid to
rest. He leaves an aged widow and eight children, nineteen grandchildren,
besides a host of other relatives and friends to mourn his
written by Maudie E. Kaegi
Saline | Gallatin | Union KY |
Pope |
![]() |
Livingston KY Crittenden KY |